This song sounds really sick!!!!!!! especially right around :57. I really like your music dude!!! Keep it up man! :D
This song sounds really sick!!!!!!! especially right around :57. I really like your music dude!!! Keep it up man! :D
Thanks a ton for the review, glad you liked it!
Dude this is a pretty sick song... it sounds pretty pro dude!
You are awesome, sir.
I'm into this dude. It sounds TRON like which is always great! haha, but yah this sounds wonderous
Haha thanks man. I haven't seen the new Tron but I have heard parts of the soundtrack by Daft Punk and its pretty damn sweet.
Oh boi. The beginning starts out crazy!!! That just sounds really sick!!! :31 just sounds amazing and magical. This song is so fabulous that I want to just go ride my pet unicorn around in space or something. (lolz) haha this song is sick!!!!!!!!
riding pet unicorns in space is exactly the sort of image this piece is supposed to evoke! YES!!
This song is so great I could go ride a unicorn. 'Nuff said. (lol :D)
Go ride that UNICORN!!!
This is crazy dude. I kinda fall in love with it at 32. like really... really a lot.... not just a little... like i wanna go to like a rave thing and just jump around dude!!! The synth is really punchy, and that's why i like it! WHOA!!! those strings are nice dude!!! Grand song here :D
thanks thanks thanks :D
Wow... this is really pretty darn good :D :D :D haha I like the vocal use at like 1:40 and really awesome synth stuff going on :D :D Nice work! (And maybe you might be able to check out some of my stuff :D) Great Song!!!
(^-^) maybe i will
This is really really cool... wow, this just kinda sounds really awesome! haha great job
Nice! This is a really great song, haha really catchy also!!! Great job!
lol yes! thanks
Making music is awesome
Joined on 10/8/11